IP Allocation
How many IPs should I have?(Suggested IP count is based on desireddaily sending volume)No. Of IPs Target Daily Volume
2 25,000
2 50,000
2 100,000
2 200,000
2 400,000
2 800,000
3 1,600,000
3 2,500,000
4 3,500,000
5 5,000,000
7 7,500,000
10 10,000,000
11 12,500,000
12 15,000,000
13 20,000,000
15 30,000,000
17 50,000,000
20 80,000,000
The number of IPs needed toaccommodate your sending volume canchange based on your type of sending,the domains to which you are sending,and your sending reputation.
IP Warmup Schedule
Sending volume ramp up schedule(Regardless of IP count)
Day Daily Volume
1 50
2 100
3 500
4 1,000
5 5,000
6 10,000
7 20,000
8 40,000
9 70,000
10 100,000
11 150,000
12 250,000
13 400,000
14 600,000
15 1,000,000
16 2,000,000
17 4,000,000
18 Double Sending Volume Daily
Ideal warm up schedules can vary greatlydepending on a number of factorsincluding: List age, list hygiene, spamreports, user engagement, domainreputation, content, domain distribution,and other factors.